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icon cuban flagVivero el Cocodrilo (aka Tower's Garden)

Tower Garden, Cayo Largo, Cuba

Also called "Vivero Torre" or "El Torreon" , this nursery garden ("vivero") located near a pond has become over the years a little tourist attraction, mainly because of the place's mascot...a crocodile! The friendly gardeners who work there will show you different species of plants and flowers and will introduce you to their "pets": a crocodile, iguanas and freshwater turtles wandering freely in the garden and scrub around the pond. This is also a good place to get some fresh aloe for the relieve of sunburns!

This old tower was the first first aqueduct of the cayo in 1962 (about 20 years before its tourist development).

Aerial view of its location
The garden is located on the main paved road connecting the village, the airport and the resorts; between the Starfish Cayo Largo and hotel Villa Lindamar. You cannot miss it, look for the tower!   See here the sign at the entrance.

Please say hello to Engrecia, Agustina and Yamil from Lily & Normand.

 Engrecia (nicknamed Lobita)



Raymondo no longer work at the Tower Garden. He's now at the Hotel Starfish Cayo Largo taking care of the gardens there. He's such a nice guy! Say hello if you see him, he'll be very happy that you did!

Santo sadly died from a heart attack in 2002.
He worked at the Tower Garden with Engrecia for many years.

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Lily & Normand
© cayolargo.net
© destilino.com

Varadero, Cuba Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba Holguin, Cuba Cayo Coco, Cuba